Student Life at ECSU

Student Engagement


The Department of Student Engagement & Leadership (SEAL)  provides countless ways for you to make your mark and create a legacy at ECSU!  Student Engagement at ECSU is responsible for advisement Student Government, the Campus Activities Board, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Leadership Development, New Student Orientation and over 120 student organizations. Our efforts contribute to student success, foster an inclusive campus environment, and prepare students for the global community.



Registered student organizations


active fraternities and sororities


sponsored events and activities each year


Build Your Community

There are countless ways to get involved at ECSU. From our renowned Sound of Class marching band to volunteer organizations – whatever you’re looking for, chances are there’s a group for that. Maybe you’ll even start your own club and bring something entirely new to Viking Land.

Our community is small but vibrant, creating a constant stream of new activities and events throughout the year. You’ll have lots of opportunities to connect with fellow Vikings and ultimately create a community of your own.

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of undergraduate students who officially represent the student voice and the student body to the Elizabeth City State University (ECSU)  administration.  SGA works directly with administrators to influence and change campus policy and serves as the official governing body of ECSU students.

2024-2025 Student Government Association (SGA)

Kayla Dixon

President: Kayla Dixon


Leslie Billotte

Vice President of Academic Affairs & Student Success: Leslie Billotte

Davion Simpson

Vice President of Finance: Davion Simpson

Evette Romero

Corresponding Secretary: Evette Romero

Adrian Belle-McCloud

Recording Secretary: Adrian Belle-McCloud

Calin Jones

Attorney General: Calin Jones

Jamal Dublin

Vice President of Internal Affairs: Jamar Dublin



ECSU logo

Vice President of External Affairs: Caszhmere Chaison


The Campus Activity Board provides fun and creative social, multicultural, recreational and educational activities that promote student involvement on and off campus.  From movies, lectures, cultural celebrations, concerts, comedy shows, cookouts, homecoming, and much more, CAB provides co-curricular activities that enhance the student experience at ECSU. CAB events are integral of the student’s overall education and social development.


2023-2024 Campus Activities Board (CAB)

Tyrese Andrews

President: Tyrese Andrews

Dajuan Thomas

Vice-President: Dajuan Thomas

Krisshauna Norman

Treasure: Krisshauna Norman

Quaymane Griffin

Chair of Spirits and Traditions: Quaymane Griffin

Jamarion Johnson

Chair of Late Night & Traditions: Jamarion Johnson

Bayla Felton

Chair of Marketing : Bayla Felton


Secretary: I'Jonae Brooks-Ferguson




In Fraternity and Sorority Life, a unit within Student Engagement & Leadership we believe in the values-based social organizations that have shaped the college experience for over 200 years. These organizations instill in their membership the importance of maintaining high moral, social, and intellectual standards.

The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Life is to provide a framework for a community of values-centered, social fraternal organizations, and their collegiate members, in the pursuit of values congruence by fostering collaborative relationships, creating meaningful opportunities for engagement, and inspiring excellence in academic and community contributions.

Our staff supports this mission by encouraging members to lead with integrity and conduct activities in a healthy, safe, and fun manner while making sound academic and personal choices. We do this by collaborating regularly with chapter advisors, faculty advisors, alums, and most importantly, our students.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible or considered for membership into any Fraternity or Sorority organization, the university requires that a student meet the following criteria:

  • A student interested in membership intake must attend an Anti-Hazing Seminar facilitated by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life to be eligible for membership. Failure to attend will automatically render you ineligible.  Attendance is good for one academic year.
  • A student must have completed a minimum of 30 semester hours at ECSU, and must have a minimum semester grade point average of 2.5 prior to membership intake; and a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 before being selected into any sorority or fraternity. Some organizations may require a higher grade point average than that of the University.
  • A student be enrolled as a full time student at ECSU.
  • Students enrolled at ECSU may be selected in only those sorority and fraternity chapters that are chartered on this campus.
  • Student must be in good financial and academic standing with no conduct issues pending with the University before they are eligible for membership selection.
  • Transfer students must be enrolled as a full time student, having sophomore status and earned a minimum of 12 ECSU credit hours at the time of membership intake.
  • Any member of a sorority or fraternity who fails to maintain a 2.5 grade point average after being initiated shall be declared inactive and will not be allowed to participate in any activity of his or her chapter (or Greek-affiliated activity) regardless of the nature of the activity.

Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Student Organizations
Ridley Student Center Suite 211


2024-2025 Royal Court

Heaven Brown
Heaven Brown
Miss Elizabeth City State University
Talmage Turner
Talmage Turner
Mister Elizabeth City State University
Trinitee Smith
Trinitee Smith
Miss Senior
 Dajuan Thomas
Dajuan Thomas
Mister Senior
Jasmine Burks
Jasmine Burks
Miss Junior
Antoine Frazier
Antoine Frazier
Mister Junior
Kyndal Hanes
Kyndal Hanes
Miss Sophomore
Quaysan Miles
Quaysan Miles
Mister Sophomore
Naomi Bass
Naomi Bass
Miss Freshman
Josiah Wheeler
Josiah Wheeler
Mister Freshman



Sha'Nyah Moore

Coordinator, Student Engagement
Ridley Student Center, Suite 211

Monica Miller

Interim Executive Director of Student Engagement & Leadership
Ridley Student Center, Suite 211

Questions? We're here to help.

Office of Student Engagement
