Office of the Chancellor

Event Participation Request

Office of the Chancellor


Thank you for inviting Chancellor Edmonds to attend or participate in your special event. The Chancellor takes great pride in representing the university on as many occasions as possible with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community constituents. 
To help support the success of your event, we request that you complete this form at least four weeks in advance of your event. Once your request is received, you will receive a response from the Office of the Chancellor within three (3) business days confirming the Chancellor’s participation in this event.  Submission of this request is not confirmation of  the Chancellor’s participation.  Official confirmation will be made with the contact person noted in this form. Thank you. 
Please describe the purpose of the event.
Please note that potential date availability does not constitute confirmation of the Chancellor’s presence. We will confirm with the point of contact identified below.
Indicate when the Chancellor is requested to arrive and when her involvement with the event is expected to end. (Example: The Chancellor may arrive at 6:00 p.m. to welcome guests at the beginning of the event and depart after giving her remarks at 7:30 p.m.)

*If you would like the Chancellor to create a pre-recorded video message for your event, the following additional information is required at the time of this request.

  • Due date of the pre-recorded video
  • Requested length of video (Enter a number that represents the duration (in minutes)
  • Email address to submit video
Please include campus building and room number. If off campus, please provide address (street, city, state, zip code) and any pertinent directions
Proposed role of the Chancellor:*
Indicate the specific role you wish the Chancellor to fulfill at the event. Consider your goals for the event and how the Chancellor can support them most effectively?
If the Chancellor is requested to provide welcoming remarks, introduce a speaker, or make brief remarks, background notes, script or detailed bullet points (Word Document required) must be submitted to the Chancellor’s assistant no later than three weeks prior to the event. If the Chancellor is requested to provide a full-length speech or deliver a keynote address, significant notice is required (minimum of two months).
Please provide the number of guests you expect to attend your event.
Nature of the Audience:*
Please include all categories of guests you expect to attend the event.
Will the Chancellor’s name be used on printed materials? If so, please submit to the Office of Chancellor prior to distribution. If yes, please send to*
(Please provide the email address of the person coordinating the event. Emails regarding the event will be sent exclusively to this address.